Day #2: What kind of speaker are you?

It’s day #2 on your path to becoming a speaker...

You know you really want to be a speaker, but what kind of speaker do you want to be??

This need to align with your expertise, your business plan, but also your personality.

The type of speaker you are will determine the events you choose to speak at and how much money you can earn.

Here’s just a few examples

None of them are closed boxes- most speakers bridge multiple profiles.

Once you know the kind of speaker you want to be, you can figure out how that fits into your speaking ‘business’?

⚡ Paid speaking - get $$ for showing up
📢 Visibility speaking - speak for free but in front of your target audience
💲 Selling from the stage - promote your products, offer lead magnets or products/services to buy on-site

Each has their own pros and cons depending on the kind of speaker you are.

Generally, the better known you are the more money you earn.

Likewise the more value you add the more you can charge (we’ll discuss $$ later in the week)

Unless you’re famous you won’t earn much at first from sharing your story, but you can earn successfully, and early, for providing unique insights, innovation, training and consulting.

Have a look again, which type of speaker will you be?

Stay tuned for Day #3 - getting started and building your reputation.


Day #3 - How & where to start speaking


Day #1- Why do you want to be a speaker?