Day #1- Why do you want to be a speaker?

Is Public Speaking something you’ve been considering?

There’s so many ways speaking can grow your impact, but getting started is hard.

Every day this week I’m going to explore one area you need to consider if you want to add public speaking as a strategic part of your business.

Day#1  - The Why

Why do you want to be a speaker?

What are your goals?

Do you want to share your story, teach others or do you want to be famous in your field?

Do you want to be a full-time speaker or do ad-hoc engagements?

Do you want to get paid or do you just want to get that buzz from the stage?

There isn't a right answer to these questions. But if you want to make speaking a part of your business- you need to think about it like a business.

Where will it fit into your existing work and life?

How will it strategically support your business? As a full-price offering, as part of your sales funnel, or as a promotional event for a product?

What kind of speaker do you want to be? (we’ll get into that in detail tomorrow)

How far are you prepared to travel and how often?

Being clear on what you really want to achieve is so important for starting off your speaking journey successfully and understanding what the reality is.

Very few people use speaking as their sole source of income.

Becoming the next Mel Robbins or Dave Ramsey takes time, energy, planning and of course incredible insight.

Most of the speakers who make the mega bucks had extremely successful businesses or were widely known and well-respected in their field before they started making big money from speaking.

Speaking can be a really effective way to build you impact & income, but it’s important to be realistic about why you want to do it and how it will support your existing business.

So today- think about why you want to be a speaker.

In #2 I'll get into the different kinds of speaker and how to establish what you want to say.


Day #2: What kind of speaker are you?


Why are you scared of public speaking?