The A to Z of good public speaking.

I love a list- here's one I made to be your check-list as you prepare any talk, speech or presentation.

Which is your favorite?

A - Audience. Speak to your specific audience. Who are they? Why are they there? What do they want to know?

B - Body Language. Your body helps you tell the story. Be open, be calm, use your facial expressions, use gestures.

C - Clarity. Be clear & be concise. Know what you want to say.

D - Data. Is boring. Make sure your technical information is accessible and engaging.

E - Emotions. If you want someone to act you need to touch their emotions. Tell stories.

F - Feedback. Ask for it. Practice is the only way to improve, feedback helps you figure out how.

G - Grammar. Speak good, yeah?

H - Humor. You don’t have to be a comedian, but touches of lightness, things that provoke a smile make your message more enjoyable and more memorable.

I - Inspire. Show us why you care- we will be inspired to care too.

J - Jargon. Keep it to a minimum.

K - Key points. Less is more.  Better to have one key point that you articulate really well, than lots of ideas that we won’t remember.

L - Listen. Good communication goes both ways.

M - Me! Don’t make it all about you. The audience want to feel like participants, not spectators.

N- Nerves. You will have them. Prepare, practice, eat snacks, take deep breaths. You got this.

O- Outdated. Refresh your talk regularly. Update your stories, rework your slides. The audience can tell when you’re calling it in.

P- Powerpoint. Write the talk BEFORE you make the slide deck. Only use slides that enhance or illustrate your point.

Q- Questions. Hesitant about public speaking? Asking questions is a great way to practice raising your voice.

R- Respect... your audience. They've given you their time and attention, what are you giving them?

S - Smile. The audience will engage so much more if you seem happy to be there.

T - Time. Respect it. Be concise, don’t take more time than you need.

U - Unprepared. Don’t be! Don’t wing it. Prepare well in advance.

V - Voice. Your voice is a dynamic tool at your disposal. Modulate the tone, volume, pace, timbre

W- Water bottle. Bring one. You might get a tickle in your throat, you might need to take a minute to regroup. You might just get thirsty!

X - X- factor. It's you. You are enough. You are an authority on this topic, own your space.

Y - YES! Say Yes to public speaking. Find your voice- raise your impact.

Z - zzzzzz. Don’t be boring! If in doubt, be quick.

#publicspeaking #communication #ilovelists


Your voice is just as important as your words


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