One great idea is better than 5 weak ones

Goldfish get a bad rap for their memory.

But our memories aren’t as great as we think they are either.

Working memory can only hold new information for about 10-20 minutes. And only 5-9 pieces of information at a time.

That’s bad news for your TED talk!

How do you condense your life’s work into 15 minutes anyway?

Well, you don’t.

You take one idea and expand it.

It’s not about how much you can say in 15 minutes, it’s about what impact you can have in that time.

Less information told in more detail is what makes for a compelling, memorable talk.

Depth, not breadth is the key.

What’s the one thing you want the audience to know?

Focus on making that one idea clear, engaging and memorable.

And as for goldfish, studies have shown they can actually remember things for up to 5 months!

#publicspeakingtips #speakercoach #betterpresentations #tedxtalks #tedtalks


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